Plant your Own “Gourmet Garden”

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By StevenGadson

We consulted experts in organic gourmet garden to help us enjoy homegrown produce this summer. They can give advice on how to choose the right plants, care for them, and incorporate them into delicious recipes.

Gourmet Garden

There is nothing better than a meal that you have prepared. A meal you have grown yourself! You can save money by growing your own garden. It also helps reduce your carbon footprint. Fresh vegetables are more nutritious. According to a Brazilian study, tomatoes, lettuce and carrots can lose as much as 7o percent of their vitamin D from harvest to table.

You’ll reap more nutritional benefits if you avoid chemical pesticides. Organic eggplant contains more calcium, potassium and magnesium than conventionally grown eggplant, according to a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Meanwhile, organic tomatoes contain more vitamin C and carotenoids that nonorganic varieties, according French research.

Plant your Gourmet Garden

The plants can be grown in either a container or on a plot. Containers should measure at least 12 inches in depth and 1/3 to 1/2 inch in width. Gourmet garden Container-grown vegetables require more nutrition than plants in the ground. They need minerals and other nutrients to thrive. Container gardening:

  • Make a mixture of fertile soil. Mix 1 part compost and 5 parts vegetable pot soil. Then add more compost. Shirey says that compost helps to keep soil moist.
  • Organic vegetable fertilizer is best. It slows down drainage and adds nutrients to the soil, allowing edible plants to bloom. gourmet garden you should look for vegetable-formulated fertilizers which are CDFA- or OMRI-certified. Shirey uses Maxicrop seaweed.
  • Mulch the top. Mulch should be covered with mulch for moistening the soil once it starts to sprout. Mulch should not be applied before the soil begins to turn green.
  • Pay attention to moisture levels. Containers can dry out quickly in hot temperatures; make sure to check them often. Avoid overwatering and standing water.
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Start with Transplants

These plants are difficult to germinate and might not sprout in time for a summer celebration. Gradually expose your transplants to sunlight. Shirey states that transplants are likely to have come from a greenhouse. They can become sunburned or dry out if they are exposed to the sun for too long.

One cup of chopped, freshly picked tomatoes provides one-third of your daily vitamin C and A. Lycopene is also available, which can help your heart. To absorb the most lycopene, heat tomatoes for a few minutes on low (190°C) and then add olive oil or another healthy fat.

When to Plant: After the frost Risk is Gone

  • You should look for: A “determinate variety”, which will not outgrow the pot.
  • Feeding: The plant can be fed six-plus hours of sunlight and good air circulation. It pollinates itself by wind. You should water your plants regularly and continuously.